Gianluca Paniz

XXII International Congress of Implant Therapy Biomax-Zimmer/Biomet
21 September 2019

Verona, Italy –  September 21st 2019

Gianluca Paniz has been one of the speakers of the 22nd International Congress of Implant Therapy of Biomax-Zimmer/Biomet. As in the last few years, the congress took place in the congress hall of Gran Guardia in front of the famous Arena in piazza Bra’. National and international speakers presented their best material in front of a huge audience of more than 1200 dentists from all over Italy. The focus of the meeting was digital technologies on implant dentistry and Gianluca Paniz described different restorative treatment options with the application of digital technologies from the implant placement to the delivery of the definitive restoration.


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